Dragon Bay: A Harmonious Blend of Architecture and Nature

Qidi Design Group's Award-Winning Exhibition Center in Guangzhou

Dragon Bay, an exhibition center designed by Qidi Design Group, is a unique architectural masterpiece that explores the boundary between human and nature. Its design inspiration draws from the diamond cutting shape, transforming the architecture into a contemporary experiential art space. This project, which started in January 2021 and was completed in June 2021 in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, has been awarded the prestigious Silver in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2022.

The design of Dragon Bay is a testament to the potential of site transformation. The architectural form deconstructs and reconstructs to seek a harmonious balance between the structure and the site, thereby constructing an artistic living scene at the boundary of architecture and nature. The design principle is focused on the potential of site transformation, resulting in a unique, immersive experience for visitors.

What sets Dragon Bay apart from other designs is its exploration of the boundary between human and nature. The design aims to lighten the sense of alienation and heighten communal space experience. The project creates seven highlights of themes, including entry, forest in the shuttle, canyon within exploration, green walk, mystery valley, star river in the spark, and water county in meditation. The design is pure, concise, and perfectly integrated into nature.

Dragon Bay is a testament to sustainable design. The landscape area is 11,823 square meters, and the design respects the height difference of the terrain, making rational use of it. The project collects community rainwater and creates a sponge city system of the community, preserving a large area of trees and plants. The design also skillfully uses the shape slope of the central building to collect the mutual infiltration and recycling of natural rainwater and artificial waterscape, resulting in the sustainability of self-iteration.

The design team, which includes Fengbin Guo, Guangjian Dai, Yadong Tian, Yujie Yin, Aizuan Zheng, Menghui Li, Ying Luo, Yihan Yan, Yu Zhou, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yumao Li, Jingyi Li, Bixia Chen, Yuhan Huang, Shengtao Wang, Xiangfei Chen, and Meiqiong Luo, faced several challenges during the design process. Despite restrictions by municipal planning, the height and slope of the site, moving lines and paths were deduced and adjusted several times to stimulate the vision of community life in the future.

In conclusion, Dragon Bay is a unique architectural design that seamlessly blends with nature. It is a testament to the potential of site transformation and the possibilities of sustainable design. The project is a perfect example of how architecture can create an immersive experience that blurs the boundary between the natural and artificial, providing a deeper experience for visitors. The design is a testament to the creativity and innovation of Qidi Design Group and a worthy recipient of the prestigious Silver in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2022.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: QIDI DESIGN GROUP
Image Credits: Image #1, ShanXi Architectural Photography Studio,2021 Image #2, ShanXi Architectural Photography Studio,2021 Image #3, ShanXi Architectural Photography Studio,2021 Image #4, ShanXi Architectural Photography Studio,2021 Image #5, ShanXi Architectural Photography Studio,2021
Project Team Members: Fengbin Guo Guangjian Dai Yadong Tian Yujie Yin Aizuan Zheng Menghui Li Ying Luo Yihan Yan Yu Zhou Xiaoyu Zhang Yumao Li Jingyi Li Bixia Chen Yuhan Huang Shengtao Wang Xiangfei Chen Meiqiong Luo
Project Name: Dragon Bay

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Dragon Bay IMG #5

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